A-Z of what defines Titansoft’s culture

How do we differentiate our people from the others? We give you 26 differences from A to Z  that makes us uniquely Titansoft!

Agile. Agile. Agile. First up on our A-Z list about Titansoft’s culture. And rightfully so too! The Agile mindset is deeply rooted in our DNA, not just in development but in all of our business processes and the way we work!

Erdinger office party

B for bring the BEER. Wise men say: A beer a day keeps the doctor away. We couldn’t agree more with our fridge in the office full of beers. Look, that’s our office party in celebration from winning the 2015 Erdinger competition. In a befitting hashtag by our Development Manager Tomas, #nobeernolife!

C for the courageous commitment! Commitment means many things here. It can be just as simple as following up on pending items every day or as intense as our work commitment to deliver only the most valuable for our products and services.

D for being driven. If we don’t know how, we ask. If things go wrong, we ask why. If it fails, then we keep trying. We keep ourselves driven to keep things moving forward. Lessons learned are always more valuable to us than success stories.

Titansoft indoor O1ympics

E for energetic! Our playful photos during our yearly 01ympics say a lot about our energy. In our culture, we surround ourselves with people of positive energy. Because we know positive things happen with our own positivity.

Company celebrations

F for home to a big family. Titaners are more than colleagues. We lend our shoulders to each other in times of hardship and celebration!

Gamifying things to make the hard stuff in life fun! Many of our HR and workplace health initiatives kick off with game play elements to encourage participation and engagement. Learn how we do it with T.Points!


Tug of war

Help is given where help is needed. We have built a strong culture where members always extend a helping hand to each other even if they do not belong in the same team.

Innovative. We regard innovation behind any product, service or process highly by being always open to try out new ideas, pushing each other to explore and be creative in thinking.

Judging we are not. Fairness and equality is important here. Whenever possible, we set aside our opinions and judge fairly based on facts and data. We strive to give everyone an equal opportunity to be hired, heard and celebrated.

Kanban discussion

K for the lean spirit behind Kanban. Besides the many Kanbans we use to improve performance, we also embody the lean mindset in our company DNA to remind ourselves the importance of visualisation, waste control and improvement loops.

Continuous learning

L for continuous learning. Just like what our motto says, we never stop improving by always learning something new every day! Learning happens not only within teams but across teams with sharings and communities of practice.

Multiculturalism. Our Titaners of all races and nationalities come together as one, building friendships across borders. As much as you will hear the Singlish “no lahh” ringing down the corridor, you will find equal respect for the various other cultures here.

Nice has many meanings. It means something pleasing and agreeable. Someone of good character and reputation. Nice also means things done with delicacy and skill. In all, we think we are sort of everything nice.

Openness. Right from the early days of the company, we have worked hard to open things up. No secrets, no politics here. We flaunt an open office space, job grade scheme with clear promotion criteria, transparent salary and multi-way communication channels, for Titaners to feel comfortable sharing their wild ideas. Like what you are reading? YOU can be part of us!

P for red hot passion. We enjoy what we do at work and in life. No other words. We do it with passion or not at all.

Quality over quantity! We would rather make one work and make one right than make many rewrites. We don’t count the things we do, but we definitely do the things that count.

Rrrrr for being results-driven! Our culture encourages us to focus on the outcome rather than the output. We value the question and reason behind the deliverable just as much as the deliverable itself.

Caring culture

S for best friends in sharing and support! Titansoft and its Titaners make up a very supportive workplace. Many of our leaders are not only experts in technical knowledge but also advisors in life, sharing management thoughts and philosophies as well as guidance in career development.

T for Titansoft. T is special to us in many ways. The letter shape the way our talents grow and develop. It’s the first letter of the word “team” we strongly believe in. It starts the names for many of our initiatives and it’s the only letter repeated thrice in our company name!

Teams at problem solving training

United in teams, departments and as one. Many things we do, we do it together, like paired programming, daily stand-ups, sharings, trainings and more!

Vibrancy in colours! Colourful post-its light up many walls while vibrant personalities of our many members make up the lively life at Titansoft.

Dnd performance

Wildness. Believe us when we say we get really wild when we play. But what’s life without play? Watch how we unleash our playful side at our annual dinner performances! Like what our casual motto says, “Work hard, play hard” is something we truly practise.

X for that X-factor! Simply because we are the one and only Titansoft! We are proud of our Titaners for each of their special talent and quality no matter at work or in life.

Young spirited. Not just in age (hey, we are mentally 21 no matter what our DOB says!) but also for having the lively, vigorous mind associated with the youth.

Zzzz for the last zesty! Like the Y that keeps us young, the passionate spice in our culture is the last flavour that lends zest to the sauce that makes up Titansoft and all of us. Zest says that we do things with gusto and definitely with all of our heart.

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