We came, we interned, we created the Titansoft Training System!

Daily stand up after daily stand up, sprint after sprint, and now we’re at the end of our internship! Time sure did past pretty quickly, doesn’t it? Flashback to day 1 when we were asked to set our internship expectation, and now in the blink of an eye (or a few more) we have completed the TTS – Titansoft Training System! It is designed to manage the company’s internal and external trainings for all employees, with which administrators can create and assign different kinds of courses to users and users can self-initiate courses.


Throughout the internship, we had the chance to work on web development using MVC and .NET frameworks and to acquire invaluable skills from our technical coach – both regarding the frameworks and on brushing up our fundamentals such as figuring out how to write a cleaner code!

Besides those, we also experienced the practical applications of Scrum methodology which is a part of the Agile framework for project management. It was surprising to us how the Scrum approach benefited the development of our TTS, by providing a flexible and sustainable development environment. Through Scrum, we understood what it takes to work together as a team by helping each other and complementing each other’s strengths, getting used to making our decisions as a team and overall, we had a much easier time splitting tasks among team members!

Work aside, we also enhanced our “social sports skills” with the occasional game of table tennis and pool during lunch breaks. Tea breaks. Work breaks. After work. Well, let us just say, we had the occasional chance to polish our game. 😉 We definitely had enough fun and enjoyed ourselves while gaining a precious internship experience!



What was cool about this internship? Interns rarely get the chance to develop something from scratch (our friends definitely did not!), so it is doubly cool that we had the opportunity to and it is something that will be put to actual use within the company, at Titansoft!

interns edited 1

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