Work Hard and Play Hard at Titansoft

Work Hard Play Hard

Titaners always work hard, but we never forget to have fun together as much as we can. Bonding with our colleagues through all the activities throughout the year is a fun way to know each person’s real personality. We are not just colleagues who only meet each other in the office, but we are also friends with similar interest.

Department Activities

Yacht Department Activity

Yacht , F1 karting circuit and bubble soccer – you name it, we have tried it! We have department activities to get to know our people outside of teams and beyond work. Titaners get a chance to organise events and bond or ahem sabotage their colleagues.


Let’s hear what our Titaners think:

Song Tao: We can build relationships with others casually through all the department activities.

Clare: I actually enjoyed the planning process. It’s fun trying to plan of what our department (OPSG/HR) can do to celebrate any events. Everybody enjoyed the candies we gave out during Halloween, right?


T.Fit Activities

Tired of sitting in your chair all day? Join our bi-weekly workout sessions where we engage external trainers to sweat it out! Kickboxing, circuit training, taichi and even yoga, we got it all covered from high-intensity to deep stretching.

Au: Imagine how easy it is where we just have to manage our work and all these programmes are set for us with no cost, work-life integration truly at its best!


T.Care- Beyond Social Services
Here at Titansoft, we are always looking at ways to give back to the society. T.Care is our way of showing we care. Titaners spend their weekends volunteering at events such as Hair for Hope, packing food at Food Bank, painting at dog shelter. Recently, we worked together with Beyond Social Services to distribute food to the needy.

Titansoft O1ympics 2015

This is an event that everybody anticipates annually! Tracing back to our O1ympic roots, it was proposed by staff as team building and trust have to be built from activities outside from daily office work. It was great to receive such good feedback and actually this event has evolved a lot more with our fun-loving TSC!

Indoor and outdoor activities, this is where we see our Titaners unleash their potential. We don’t only mean sporting abilities but we see their creativity in coming up with team cheers and outfits. See how a cartoon character theme brought out the other side of our staff!

Company Outing

Flying Fox at Cambodia

Titansoft’s company outings are probably like no other. We got the chance of exploring interesting destinations, new places that were not noticeable before by some of us. Sandboarding, flying fox, surfing; travelling with Titansoft really takes us on adventures we have never known!

Chandra: Company outing is the time to try out different challenging and fun activities. Plus, we actually get to see our colleagues’ habits and even their sleeping or drunk habits on the trip!


Mafia theme D&D

We believe having fun can be done anytime, from beginning until the end of the year. And there is no better way to celebrate end of the year (and opening of a new one) with our Titansoft Dinner and Dance.

Every year, we dress up with themed costumes. Mafia, Greek Gods, Movie Night –  it’s amazing how enthusiastic and innovative everyone is! And of course, every Titaner crosses their fingers to bring home a prize during the Lucky Draw!

We believe in celebrating together, work hard and play hard. Titansoft’s activities lets you explore and that is where we find friendships beyond workplace relations, building a family in this place we call our second home.

Check out our Facebook page to be updated of our happenings!


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